Steuben is ready to grow!

But we’re being held back. NIPSCO isn't invested in Steuben County and we can't get the natural gas we need!

The Steuben County Growth Coalition logo.
Help us “Turn up the pressure” on NIPSCO.

So why wouldn’t you turn up the pressure for a Community who’s constituents and employers pay tens of millions of dollars each year? With the inability to supply necessary natural gas to Steuben County creates a cascading domino effect that effectively paralyzes the County's ability to survive, grow or thrive.

The Testimony

Read through a testimony from Isaac Lee - Steuben County Economic Development Commission. As he walks you through all of the issues Steuben County is having with receiving the natural gas they need to grow as a community. This issue has continued and its time to Turn Up The Pressure on NIPSCO!

The Testimony

What we’ve lost so far:

11 Developments
3.5 Billion Dollars
2500 New Jobs
THe SCGC logo
Pledge Your Support!

It has come to a point where Steuben County expects that it will not even be considered by future economic development prospects because it has become widely known that there is not sufficient natural gas supply. There is no more waiting for something to change as Steuben County is ready to grow. Are you ready to join us and support Turning Up The Pressure On NIPSCO?